module.exports = function(vector, k, callback) {
if (!vector || !k || !callback) throw new Error(
"Provide 3 arguments: callback, vector, clusters")
return new Kmeans(vector, k, callback)
kmeans.js 0.0.1
The kmeans clustering algorithm relies upon knowing in advance the number of clusters in which to place vectors.
Expose our library to be called externally
module.exports = function(vector, k, callback) {
if (!vector || !k || !callback) throw new Error(
"Provide 3 arguments: callback, vector, clusters")
return new Kmeans(vector, k, callback)
function Kmeans (vector, k, callback) {
Vector: array of arrays. Inner array
represents a multidimensional data point (vector)
These should be normalized
this.callback = callback
this.vector = vector
K: represents the number of groups/clusters into which the vectors will be grouped
this.k = k
Initialize the centroids and clusters
Centroids: represent the center of each cluster.
They are taken by averaging each dimension of the vectors
this.centroids = new Array(k)
this.cluster = new Array(k)
Create centroids and place them randomly because we don't yet know where the vectors are most concentrated
var count = 0
, notFinished = true
Randomly choose k vectors from the vector array vector. These represent our guess at where clusters may exist.
Kmeans.prototype.createCentroids = function () {
var randomArray = this.vector.slice(0)
var self = this
randomArray.sort(function() {
return (Math.floor(Math.random() * self.vector.length))
this.centroids = randomArray.slice(0, this.k);
This method groups vectors into clusters and then determine the the new location for each centroid based upon the mean location of the vectors in the cooresponding cluster
Kmeans.prototype.iterate = function (vecArray) {
this.cluster = new Array(this.k)
var tempArray = []
for (var a=0; a<this.vector[0].length; a++) {
var vecArray = []
for (var a=0; a<this.k; a++) {
vecArray[a] = (tempArray.slice(0))
Group each vector to a cluster based upon the cooresponding centroid
for (i in this.vector) {
var v = this.vector[i].slice(0)
var index = this.assignCentroid(v)
if (!this.cluster[index]) this.cluster[index]=[]
for (var a=0; a<v.length; a++){
vecArray[index][a]+=v[a] //keep a sum for cluster
Calculate the mean values for each cluster.
var distance
, max = 0
for (var a=0; a<this.k; a++) {
var clusterSize = this.cluster[a].length
for (b in vecArray[a]) {
vecArray[a][b] = vecArray[a][b]/clusterSize
distance = this.distance(vecArray[a], this.centroids[a])
if (distance>max)
if (max<=0.5)
return this.callback(null, this.cluster, this.centroids)
For each centroid use the mean calculated for the corresponding cluster (effectively "moving" the centroid to its new "location")
for (z in vecArray) {
this.centroids[z] = vecArray[z].slice(0)
Kmeans.prototype.assignCentroid = function (point) {
var min = Infinity
, res = 0
For each vector we determine the distance to the nearest centroid. The vector is assigned to the cluster that corresponds to the nearest centroid.
for (i in this.centroids) {
dist = this.distance(point, this.centroids[i])
if (dist < min) {
min = dist
res = i
return res
Kmeans.prototype.distance = function(v1, v2) {
var total = 0
for (c in v1) {
if (c!=0)
total += Math.pow(v2[c]-v1[c], 2)
return Math.sqrt(total)