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Office: SERC 322
Fall Human-AI Interaction
Spring Information Visualization
Building on theories from learning sciences, social computing, and human-computer interaction my goal is to democratize design and education by integrating the perspectives of non-experts. Specifically, I design and develop sociotechnical systems that scaffold and coordinate novices to equitablly and effectively participate in work traditionally reserved for experts. By visualizing the process and outcomes, novices can make real-time adjustments and long-term changes. Through this work, I strive to affect real-world change regionally and gloablly through my involvement in Design for San Diego (D4SD) and the World Design Organization.
Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the UCSD Design Lab working with Dr. Steven Dow. I completed my PhD in Computing and Informatics at UNC Charlotte where I was advised by Dr. Celine Latulipe. I received my BS in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University where I was advised by Dr. Niklas Elmqvist.
Positions Available! I am recruiting BS/MS students and visiting researchers to join us here at Temple. Visit People to learn more.