Our Research Focus

Our research lab focuses on methods and techniques to democratize expert processes like design and data science.

Research Positions Available

Given this ambitious and transdisciplinary focus, I am open to any research idea that relates broadly to my expertise and research goals. I strongly welcome students from a wide range of disciplines that include Computer Science, Design, Psychology, Public Policy, and Cognitive Science. Above all, students in the lab should be excited to work in cross-functional teams where they lead by recognizing and amplifying the talents of those around them.

Students with a computing focus should have interest in one or more of the following topics: information visualization, web development, knowledge graphs, natural language processing, data science artificial intelligence, or machine learning.

Students with a design or education focus should have interest in some of the following: experiment design, qualitative data analysis, user researcher, preparing design workshops, teaching, mentorship, design facilitation, UI design

Students with an entrepreneurial mind should be excited about getting scrappy and making things happen. They should have interest in: project management, relationship building, community engagement, marketing

Click to Apply!

Teaching Fellow and TA Positions Available

If you are excited about transforming the educational experience to go beyond the classroom and cultivate collaborative and impactful learning environments, please apply by emailing me directly at stephen.macneil@temple.edu with the words Teaching Fellow somewhere in the subject line.

I am also recruiting a TA for my upcoming Information Visualization course that will be offered in Spring. Check out our course website!

Information Visualization Website